8月6日(土)第37回なとり夏まつり開催に伴う交通規制について (Traffic Regulations for the 37th Natori Summer Festival on Saturday, August 6)
8月6日(土)にみちのく潮風トレイル 名取トレイルセンターがある名取市閖上地区で「第37回なとり夏まつり」が開催されます。
「第37回なとり夏まつり 公式サイト」 : https://natori-matsuri.com/
夏まつりは ゆりあげ港朝市 をメイン会場とし、こどもクイズ大会などのイベントや供養祭、鎮魂の思いを込めた打ち上げ花火が行われます。
The 37th Natori Summer Festival will be held on Saturday, August 6 in Yuriage area, Natori City, where the Michinoku Coastal Trail Natori Trail Center is located.
The 37th Natori Summer Festival official website (written in Japanese): https://natori-matsuri.com/
This event will be held as a memorial service for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and to express our gratitude to those who have supported the recovery efforts.
In conjunction with the Summer Festival, large-scale traffic restrictions (no vehicles) will be enforced in the Yuriage area of Natori City, where the Natori Trail Center is located, between 2:00 PM and 10:00 PM. As an alternative, shuttle buses will be operated from nearby stations.
Please note that the Natori Trail Center is expected to be very crowded on the day of the event and that traffic restrictions will be enforced, so please walk, ride a motorcycle, or use the “Natorin-go” bus or shuttle bus. (Those are coming by car to use the campground have been contacted individually regarding how to come to the center on the day.)
The main venue of the Summer Festival is Yuriage Port Morning Market, where there will be a children’s quiz contest, a memorial service, and fireworks display to remember the repose of the souls.
For more information about the 37th Natori Summer Festival, please visit the official website above.